
Tuesday, May 22, 2012

I'm handy and I know it.....

Tim was studying.  Seems like he's always studying.
And Maggie's new trampoline was just sitting there in a bazillion pieces, calling my name.
I chanted "I can do it" a few times, grabbed my big girl panties, and got busy.
Maggie was helping me move all the pieces around.  It was really the cutest thing ever.  
She just kept repeating "I help mommy, I help"
It was hard.   I was sweating.  
But it was worth it because... I DID IT!
And nothing says happy like a 2 year old jumping her heart out in a mommy-built trampoline  :)
Obsessed.  And the best part is, I can lay in the hammock right next to the trampoline and she's happy as a clam jumping around in there while I'm horizontal.  That my friends, is GOLDEN.

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