
Monday, April 9, 2012

What a crock....

I'm crockpotting today!

Here's a link to the recipe for Sweet and Savory Ribs found on
I've never attempted ribs before- and doing them in a crock pot sounded soo easy.

All I did was slice up a nice big onion and place the slices on the bottom of the crock pot, layer the country style ribs on top, then pour a combo of honey smoked bbq sauce, spicy brown mustard, and maple syrup all over everything.  It cooks low and slow for 8 hours...
How EASY is that!
Hubby thinks its one of the best meals I make (probably because it's a MANLY meal, centered around MEAT lol)

For a side, I'm whipping up some stuffed zucchini, which is one of my favorite zuke recipes.
Here's the recipe found on Rach Ray Mama Elsas Stuffed Zukes
I follow the recipe loosely, it serves as more of a guide for me...
I'm making only 3 zucchini, and omitting the fresh basil (not willing to pay the extra few bucks for it, although in the summer when my basil in the garden is practically waist high, I add plenty)...
I also don't toast up the bread crumbs like the recipe says too- I can't be bothered to dirty up another pot.  I hate doing dishes.  So I just kind of toss everything together at the end, and sprinkle some bread crumbs/cheese on top of the stuffed zukes before baking.  This is a very yummy side (though I know it seems kind of labor intensive), so I make enough for 2 nights  :)